Stamford Marylebone Limited is seeking to sensitively enhance 25 Marylebone Road to future-proofthebuilding by making it an accessible, sustainable, modern office building. Recognising the climatecrisis, they have opted to refurbish the building, instead of undertaking demolition andredevelopment.The proposals will provide high-quality and modern office space suitable for 21stcentury use. Futureoffice users will have access to amenity spaces including roof terraces. Sustainability is at the heartof the proposals, with cycle spaces provided on site to encourage active travel and a significant upliftin biodiversity.Concilio has facilitated a comprehensive consultation, reaching local business, residents and politicalrepresentatives. We have organised and chaired a series of meetings with Marylebone wardcouncillors, The Marylebone Association, Harley Street BID, Baker Street Quarter Partnership andthe University of Westminster.We held an in-person event moments from the site and a webinar to ensure the consultation wasfully accessible. The consultation was advertised by a letter drop to the local area and was alsoshared by amenity societies and residents groups with their mailing lists.