East Suffolk Council Planning Committee has approved the Reserved Matters Application (RMA) from Taylor Wimpey for the first 122 homes at the 2,000 home Brightwell Lakes development in Martlesham, Suffolk.
Concilio undertook the consultation for the RMA during the Covid-restriction period, launching a website, managing press relations, undertaking a webinar and a series of engagement events with a number of nearby Parish Councils.
An Outline Planning Permission was approved in 2018 that established the following principles as part of a mixed-use development:
• Development of the site for up to 2000 dwellings to be brought forward as individual phases
• Mixture of other uses on the site such as employment, local centres, school, green infrastructure, sports ground and play areas, allotments, heritage park and community orchards
• Access to the site from the A12, Ipswich Road and also connections to Gloster Road
• The need for walking and cycling links through the site and providing connections to other areas